A Brand & LifeStyle Focused on Intentionality & Wellness.
'Sharing 'All ThingZ' while Actively Engaging in a LifeStyle focused on
INTENTIONALITY & WELLNESS: Mind, Body, Spirit, & Soul.
As Woman, Wife, Mother/DukeZ, Daughter, Granddaughter, Niece, CouZin & More…’

This past weekend I attended the ‘Be Transformed Retreat’, hosted & facilitated by Thee Demarra West @bwellbeautiful (D. West) MA, LPC, CCC Principal & Lead Consultant,
Trainer & Coach; Owner of Change Agent Consulting. And Founder of Be Well Beautiful Woman. Attendance was a requirement of the ‘Be Transformed Incubation Program. Completely Engaged & Immersed. From a Space of Authenticity & Candor; D. West Honored the Space each of us occupy on Our Respective Journeys’. As she Challenged. Inspired. Engaged. Connected. And Led My CohortZ & I.
Prior to this Retreat Experience, we Interacted & Engaged by way of
Monthly Meetings & Mastermind Sessions. In this Space, we’d been together for the past six months. During Our times together, we Shared Intimate MomentZ. FeelingZ. ExperienceZ. Mutually & Respectfully Extended & Received Constructive-Insight. AlwayZ Engaging with Unconditional-Grace & NO Judgement...EVER.
These QueenZ & I were able to Cultivate this TribeShip, in a Virtual Space. That to me is the DOPEST!!!
One of My Daily Wellness PracticeZ is to Make Time to Say Aloud, or Actually Write Out what I am Grateful for. Sharing that, I would be remiss not to extend Much Gratitude, to an Extraordinaire Woman. She Educates. Advocates. Provides Products & Services for ALL Women. Letting us know, It Is Possible to Thrive Balancing the Divine Feminine & Masculine.
Encouraging us to Walk Boldly in Our BirthRight.
With Confidence.
Honoring Our Essence & Monetizing Our Gift.
Thank You for Pouring into Each of Us.
~Asè, Queen @bewellbeautiful
The Week Leading To The Retreat, I Prayed & Meditated regarding my Experience. I asked God to BE Amidst. The Retreat was many ThingZ for Me, & I was Impacted in many wayZ. The QueenZ I had the Honor of Sharing this Sacred Space with, is a Manifestation.
On March 30th, 2020, I posted a ‘RantZ’ FriendZ’. Check it out. As I read that post today, October 27th, 2021. I am Grateful to BE able to be a part of a Tribe as referenced in 2020. Though we are in the infancy phases of Our Collective. The Energy-Surge we Experienced as we participated with Guided Meditation, led by D. West @bewellbeautiful; was a demonstration of what occurs when QueenZ RendeZvous. Alignment. Flow. IntentionZ.
The Power Is Real.
Side note,
Black Women can come together as Strangers.
Build Rapport.
Create & Cultivate a Collective that is destined
to Birth Life-Long Relational ExperienceZ.
In addition to Creating Generational Wealth.
I know this To Be True.
‘An Aligned & Authentically-Connected Collective Is A Powerful Force.'
~ Dinky Rose
The Beauty of this Intentional-Collective is that
We ARE Committed to Our Individual JourneyZ.
And the JourneyZ that of Our Sister-FriendZ.
As We
Focus on Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit, & Soul.
Remembering Our BirthRightZ
Walking Boldly in Our Purpose & Power.
Attending the Be Transformed Retreat aided in uncovering My Blocked Throat Chakra. Among other ThingZ.
Surface Speaking, my initial response/thought was… “I talk…” However, like most ThingZ when you Dig A Little Deeper. Your ‘Ish is revealed.
Of the Seven ChakraZ, I have had My Throat Chakra Blocked. It is result of a childhood-trauma. Wellness Work, & more extensive Practices Learned & Utilized during the Retreat allowed for Greater Clarity.
Prior to My LifeStyle of Wellness, I was able to speak with an objective & loving tone. Doing so with a gentle touch. In the Corporate Space, I flawlessly executed presentations & plans. I also effectively administered performance reviews, among other responsibilities. Even when folks showed their ass, I maintained professionalism. And held it together.
In Other SpaceZ, I was often in positions of Authority & Seniority. As I let go of ThingZ & RoleZ, to Get Back to Me. I experienced disregard & disrespect within SpaceZ I’d put yearZ of Blood, Sweat & Tear equity into.
I was quite befuddled.
Following my state of befuddlement, I did what is Required for My Wellness.
I Examined:
~ How was I showing up?
~ What about Me made people think that I was one to Be Tried?
~ Was I so nice, I was thought to Be a Pushover?
~ When I Spoke My Truth, was it in Love?
~ If said Space(Z) were in Alignment with My Journey.
~ If said Space(Z) Honored My Essence.
When engaging outside of My Respective TribeZ, I do so in SpaceZ where there are definitive Rules Of Engagement. So to receive disrespect & disregard where Expectations & Standards are clear. To continue to show up, utilizing My Time, Energy & EffortZ; is a Dishonor to My BEing.
Not only is it a Dishonor, these ExperienceZ & SpaceZ; continue to reinforce the Blockage in My Throat Chakra.
HellZ No, I can’t have that!!! So Now What?
I will Protect My P.E.A.C.E., & Honor ‘All ThingZ’ Me; as I actively Experience My Journey. Striving for Intentionality & Purpose as I Seek All that God has preDestined for Me in this Life. And of course with Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul; as My Barometer.
'Praying Everyday, Accepting Change Effectively.' ~Missionary Brown
I could literally go on & on about My ExperienceZ of Getting Back To Me. However, I’ll be sharing more in my second Publication-
‘VolumeZ by Z. Lannette: Healing. Evolving. ReleaZing.
Volume One: HEALING.’
Information regarding pre-Orders will be Shared, the First-Quarter of 2022.
QueenZ, continue the Practice of ReleaZing.
If you're familiar w/ ChakraZ, how are yourZ? Any Blockage?
If you're not familiar with the 7 ChakraZ, click here. After reviewing, take a look. Any work needed?
Honor Your Essence as You Heal, Evolve & ReleaZe.
~Dinky Rose
Stay Connected w/ Me...
@z_lannette on IG @All ThingZ Dinky Rose on FB
Chat w/ Dinky Rose anytime at