Our Services
'Distant' Chakra Cleanse
Embark on a transformative journey with our 30-minute Distant Chakra Cleanse—an experience like no other. Guided by Zendalannette, Reiki Master, you'll undergo an energy cleanse targeting the 7 core Chakras, releasing negative, blocked, stagnant energies right from the comfort of your own space.
During this session, Zendalannette will connect with you, nurturing your Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul. This signature experience includes a guided visualization tailored to address your greatest needs.
Each session begins with a Scan of the 7 Core Chakras and concludes with a journaling prompt to help you nurture what arises during the cleanse.
This is an introductory offer—Book your 'Distant Chakra Cleanse' Today!
Schedule Your 'Distant' Chakra Cleanse!!!
To schedule your experience, please click the link below to access our Calendly page. If you're interested in an extended Reiki experience, feel free to reach out to us at TRConsultingiswellness@gmail.com with the subject line: "Extended Reiki Experience Inquiry".