I went through life simply by going through the motions. Fake Smiling, burning on the inside from sheer disgust of the lies people tell… Their Ish, constantly being projected my way… So Busy being busy and being cautious of the feelings of others. Completely unhappy and lacked much confidence due to my weight gain.
Eventually, this and all the other things life entails begin to manifest in ways you don’t take time to notice; until you can no longer do basic shit…
Like, sitting in a chair. Folding Chairs, Captain Chairs, etc.
Yes, a basic chair.
Humor me for a moment as I share this story...
At a dance competition in a huge venue in Frankenmuth, MI. I sat next to my Mom chatting it up in between my daughter’s performances. The venue had rows of folding chairs tightly packed to fit all the observers coming to support the various studios.
Moving slightly to music that filled the venue.
I went from sitting side by side with my Mom, to sitting on the floor in between the frame of the broken folding chair. Barely able to get up, the frame was literally stuck around me. I was embarrassed and couldn’t believe I had broken a chair. The chair had bruised my arms and outer thighs. My pride… Confidence… Let’s just say that was one of many gentle reminders to get it together...
I’d done JC and WW… Unless I was eating the food I wouldn’t lose weight, or maintain it if lost. And really it wasn’t about the food. It was about the Healing I needed to pursue…
I was clueless and 295 lbs, at my largest. On a 5’5 ½ Body Frame.
I would love to say that after that experience, I lost all the weight and lived happily ever after. Years passed and I lost five to ten pounds to feel better when I went to annual physicals. Year after year, for about 18 years, Grossly Obese is how I was categorized.

In my recent book, ‘Healing, Evolving & ReleaZing: Me, MySelf & I… I share how I’ve taken intentional, radical, and bold actions to maintain a LifeStyle of Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul. If you haven’t snagged your copy, click here.
As I lean into this Eclipse Season Reset, it hit me. When I made the decision on March 6, 2017, to make a change to my outer appearance. I didn’t realize then until days ago… In order for my life to change, in any capacity…
I had to make the decision to ‘Be The First To Put ME 1st’.
"Say it with me: I don't play about ME. ~COACH ENNA B
Since embarking on this Journey, and maintaining a LifeStyle of Bold, Intentional & Radical Self-Care… I am happy to share that I am now able to sit in any Damn Chair I Please.

Thanks for Checking In this Month...
Stay Tuned & Stay Connected...
Sending Immense Light & Love,
~Coach Z'
If you are interested in a Curated, Co-Created Wellness Plan, Vision & Life Plan (Goal-Setting, etc.) Experience; contact Thomas Rose Consulting.