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Any Resistance???

Grateful For 48 & Embracing 49... It’s that time of year!!! Happy Birthday to Me… Chapter 49… Wow! When I look in the mirror, I don’t look 49. However, societal’s narratives had a mug feeling some kind of way about aging.

As I shared in Chapter 47, I experienced growth, and evolution, and truly became acquainted with every part of myself. Understanding the importance of letting go of what does not serve me. ReleaZing narratives, traits, things, etc. holding me back from becoming…

Establishing Self-Love & Care practices and modalities to manage my Shadow Parts. Gleaning, the only way to show up for everyone and everything; is to first show up for me. At the start of Chapter 48, I set the intention to display Radical Forgiveness & Love toward others. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize I had to begin with me.

That said, I am intentional about showing up for myself. Some of the things I do are…

  1. Establishing positive boundaries for myself

  2. Morning Prayer & Meditation

  3. Scheduled activities w. friends

  4. Daily Reiki Practice(s)

  5. Not overextending myself

  6. Surrounding myself w. people who fuel my well-being

  7. Reflecting on feelings I experience

  8. Forgiving myself for my mistakes

  9. Daily time truly communing w. God

    1. Music, Scripture, Dance…

  10. Advocating for causes I believe in

"Be the First to Put You 1st... In All Ways & Always"

~Coach Z'

During a recent Sister-Circle w. The Container, the following journaling prompt was shared:

“What parts of your Human Design do you feel most resistance to?’

With a timer set for 3 minutes, I wrote…

I don’t feel resistance to any part of my Human Design.

I literally feel like me, myself & I, finally makes sense.

Always feeling the power from within. However, not truly understanding how to manage and navigate. Speaking from love and truth, yet being misunderstood…

Trust, or should I say the lack of centering in my intuition and fully embracing… Acknowledging, and accepting every part of me.

Figuring out and accepting my moods and learning how to not allow myself to be an obstacle…

Re-reading My Truth as I typed it above, it still resonates. And holds True.

In this last year of my 40’s, I will Boldly Walk by Faith knowing…

As I Show Up for MySelf, It’s a Ripple Effect.

No Resistance Here!!!

How are you Showing Up for Yourself?

Until Next Month!

Sending Immense Light & Love...

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