All ThingZ Dinky Rose
"A Brand & LifeStyle Centered in Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul. Providing Tools, Resources, Self-Care Modalities; & More. ReleaZing the Power from within."
In the spirit of Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul, this weekend I have been so filled. I spent time in Big Rapids at Ferris State celebrating as Neophytes were presented, following a 21- year absence on the campus. Congratulation Delta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Here's to all the GREATER that is about to ensue.
Saturday, I served in Grand Rapids alongside Sorors and Rhoers from a Sister-Chapter.; Eta Pi Sigma. Even in the cold, we were able to clean, purge and re-organize donations for a local Safe-House for Women & Children. We literally had a ball.
The highlight of my weekend, one of many; was the Neophyte Presentation of eight young women that are now a part of the Chapter I am a Charter Member of. Since 1996, the 'Sultry Xi Nu' Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. has been on the campus of Grand Valley State University; in Allendale, MI. #GoLakers
Showing up for them was important for me as a Charter Member. I had no idea how much this weekend would fuel my Soul. All weekend we loved on each other. And this Charter Member was so very well taken care of. #Grateful #Sister'sKeeper
We'll get back to Wellness In Action next month. However, for this 27th; I am Celebrating an AMAZING group of women I am honored to have in my life. I LOVE MY SGR.
In the meantime, join me in celebrating & acknowledging the 'Sultry Xi Nu' Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
We Are 'Sultry Xi Nu'... Since 1996
Thank you for Celebrating w/ me.
Until next month, do something this week that will Fuel Your Soul.
What will you do?
Be Bold, Intentional & Radical as it pertains to your Wellness.
Stay Connected...

All ThingZ Dinky Rose (ATDR)
P.O. Box 20123
Kalamazoo, MI 49019
Instagram: @z_lannette
Spotify: All VibeZ Dinky Rose Facebook: @allthingzdinkyrose