Greetings Beautiful Souls,
I trust this 27th finds you well. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in TRC’s Free December Offering every Wednesday. Your engagement and feedback have been truly inspiring. In response to the positive reception, I am thrilled to announce the continuation of Wellness Wednesday with a Free-Journaling Prompt every Wednesday throughout 2024. This is an extension of the #Wellness In Action As A LifeStyle movement that we embarked on last month!
If you missed any of the previous prompts, you can catch up on IG @ThomasRoseConsulting and Thomas Rose Consulting on Facebook. Don't forget to explore ‘Make Space Mondays’ on the same platforms, featuring Signature Self-Care/Love & Wellness Tips to Live with Agency.
“Be The First To Put You 1st… In All Ways & Always.” ~Zendalannette
In the ongoing journey of Navigating Seasonal Emotions, I've found solace and strength in maintaining Daily Reiki Practices, Prayers, Meditation, Yoga, and Journaling to Let Go & ReleaZe. Each day, I set an intention to do one thing that cultivates and edifies me as a Woman, Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Entrepreneur. This, for me, is the embodiment of Bold, Radical, and Intentional Self-Care.
Navigating the characteristics of my Emotional Solar Plexus demands consistent action, coupled with the daily application of ‘The Four Agreements,’ my Human Design Strategy (HD), and Reiki Principles. Doing this work prepares me for whatever life presents, creating a Lifestyle that aligns energetically and karmically with the abundant blessings of God, Source & Universe—Abundance, Prosperity, Joy, and Peace.
Living Life by My HD creates space and opportunity for organic Flow, serving as my blueprint for traversing My Journey. Understanding and acknowledging the innate aspects of who I am, and embodying that innateness, allows for My Own Nature Energy Yield in all of its forms. Check out ‘The Abundance Book’ by John Randolph Price- to learn how to activate yours.
Speaking of Emotions, over Christmas, my Hubb shared a picture from Christmas 2014.

Though I've shared aspects of my weight loss journey before, this particular image struck a chord. Feeling sadness for the version of me in that photo, I turned to the practice of ‘Ho’oponopono’—a traditional Hawaiian method of reconciliation and forgiveness. Verbalizing sentiments/prayers to that version of me was a form of affirming the work I have done: I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you & I love you. #Ho’oponopono #Bold&IntentionalSelf-Care
This too is how I ‘Put Me 1st…’ Forgiveness, especially to self, has been pivotal and critical to the life I have been privy to and the one I am working to build. #MuchGratitude And of course, I'll share this year's Christmas picture of me...

A Lifestyle of Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul has me divinely connected to God. With HIM as my Source and utilizing the practices and modalities I’ve shared here, and in both of my published books: ‘How I Survived Quarantine 2020…’ and ‘Healing, Evolving & ReleaZing: Me, MySelf & I…’ The mantra and practice of “Be The First To Put You 1st...” aligns me with Who GOD Created Me To BE. As a result, I curate space and Flow of endless Joy, Prosperity, Peace & Abundance for me and those to whom I am connected per HIS Plan.
As I prepare for 2024, I am reminded of the importance of carrying forward the above practices and modalities; in addition to the mantras and affirmations below:
Know Thyself
Embrace Moments
Cultivate Healthy Relationships
Only Do What Brings Me Joy
Engage w./by The Four Agreements
Maintain Mental Clarity
Journal Regularly
Beautiful Souls, I invite you to lean into Reflecting on 2023 from your vantage point. Write Out what you are being called to ‘Let Go & ReleaZe’. What no longer serves you? Compose a 2024 File Folder- physically or electronically- and place thoughts, pictures, mantras, quotes, your Vision and Plans, etc. in the folder. Now schedule your vision and planning session on your calendar. My timeline is to have completed my Vision Board and Written Plan by Jan. 31st- Annually.
May your vision be filled with Passion, Purpose, and what truly brings you Joy. May you ‘Be The First To Put You 1st… In All Ways & Always’- Today & Every Day! ~Zendalannette
Happy Holidays/ 2023 Reflection/ ReleaZing & 2024 Vision, Planning & Manifesting.
Stay tuned every Wednesday for your dose of Wellness Wednesday prompts- And Make Space Mondays, for tips and tools to navigate and live with Agency.
Let’s continue this journey of intentional self-care and well-being together!
Until Next Month…
In Light & Love,