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Imagine this: You wake up one morning feeling like you’ve slept for days. Your mind is clear. Your body feels rested. Your Spirit is at peace. And Your Soul is On Fire for the excitement & adventures the day will bring.

In no way anxious, just sheer peace. As you still yourself w. a 7-minute meditation, a 15-minute Self-Reiki Practice, and your Daily-Morning Prayer w. Your Intentions. Taking your focus to your breath, inhale (filling your belly) & exhale.

Gently turning your legs to the side of the bed, allowing your feet to slowly hit your slippers at the side of your bed. You take in another deep breath, filling your belly; exhaling through your mouth.

Placing your hands at your heart’s center, you thank your Higher Being for allowing you to see another day. And allowing you to Be Bold, Radical & Intentional about ‘Being The First To Put You 1st… In All Ways & Always.'


Creating a morning practice is what allows me to show up for myself. Prior to this practice, I rushed out of bed when the alarm went off, because I’d likely overslept. Oversleeping, because I was unable to get to sleep with a million things running through my mind. Especially when I navigated very dark times over the past three years.

In addition to establishing my morning Self-Love Routine, I began following and applying my Human Design Strategy to Daily Living. AND…OMG!! Y’ALL, this has been a Game-Changer for Me.

One of my greatest take-a-ways from My HD is truly understanding the nuances of Me, MySelf & I. More importantly knowing how to manage and cultivate My Dark… As I actively nourish My Light.

We each come into the world w. a specific profile & purpose. HD illustrates personality traits, life themes & how respective personality types interact within the world.

Key components of HD are understanding the conscious and unconscious aspects of self. And understanding your design details, such as:Type, Strategy, Authority & Profile.

My Human Design is a Manifesting Generator w. A Strategy to Respond w. Authority w. a defined Emotional Solar Plexus.


In short, all the years of thinking and wondering why I was so weird. Ceased as a thought once I realized how uniquely God made Me. So No... I no longer subscribe to being weird…different… I’m Just Z! Wonderfully & Purposefully Made.

And… It also means I have a ton of ideas, thoughts… However, it is not intended for me to initiate it all. By maintaining a healthy mind space, I will know when to move & w. whom. By sheer Alignment & Flow.

Additionally, I am an emotional person by design. So, as I make decisions and navigate my life, I must stay grounded in God’s Word. Honoring my Spirituality & His presence and Hand in All ThingZ Me. Even when it’s uncomfortable… And trust, one thing I know to be true… Discomfort is personal evolution & growth.

That said, when making decisions, I do so at my pace. Having an Emotional Solar Plexus, means the only decisions I make in the moment… are emergencies & when It’s A Hell Yes!!!

Make It A Hell Yes as it pertains to 'Being The First To Put You 1st... In All Ways & Always'. And if you don't have a Morning Routine, Create One... Just For You!!!

If you would like to co-create, or have a curated Wellness Experience w. Me, Coach Z...

Let's Connect.

Reach out to Subject line: It's A Hell Yes For Me, Z!

Until Next Month...

In Light & Love,

~Coach Z'

MID-CYCLE… What used to be a task for me as a leader in corporate America, is now a time for me to check in on my Goals. I review my daily, weekly, and monthly accomplishments. All of the things moving me toward my Goals, Dreams & Desires… In Life & Business.

During the month of June, I review my effectiveness towards my Annual Vision, Plans & Goals. The key component of my MID-CYCLE is to PAUSE. Doing so ensures I am honoring My Human Design.

As a Manifesting Generator… I have to be intentional about staying on task & unabated in entrepreneurship. Honoring my Response because I understand & know the Power of My Words… My Actions…

Join me Friday, June 30th, 2023… (See flyer below.) for an Intimate Convo w. Women In Wellness, Group Reiki, Guided Self-Reiki, Meditation w. Journaling & More…

In the meantime, I invite you to lean into reviewing your 2023 Goals, Dreams & your heart's deepest Desires.

Here are a couple of things to aid you during your MID-CYCLE REVIEW

  1. Am I meeting or exceeding what I set out for this year?

    1. Write out what you’ve done to meet your daily, weekly & monthly goals. Do so for each of your goals.

  2. Am I pleased w. where I am? If not, what will I do to move myself forward?


In Light & Love,

~Coach Z’

"We Each Have Our Own Path. Embrace It... Celebrate It... Be Intentional w. It... And Curate, Create & Co-Create All Of The Things...YOU." ~Coach Z'

Showing up for myself has been emotional, expansive, encouraging… And is providing opportunities to heal, cultivate and intentionally nurture my inner child.

I’ve been asked by family members, ‘Why are you feeling and remembering so much?” “ You’ve had a good life, so what’s really going on?”

During my initial phases of Evolving, I couldn’t quite articulate the why. However, asking questions, feeling, and unpacking was very much the starting point needed. Particularly for the level of deep-rooted Ish, I’d address.

Self-Care/Love for me includes resolving and embracing the ails of sort tied to my subconscious. Chipping away at my confidence… My in-ability to heal deeply… Not to mention being on auto-pilot as I shared in my second book, “Healing, Evolving & ReleaZing: Me, MySelf & I”. Doing all of the things, except for caring for myself…

The greatest to come from seeing myself for the first time has been embracing the many parts of me. Celebrating & Being Intentional about being the first to put me 1st… In All Ways & Always; as such, I am able to have authentic & trauma-triggered free relationships.

As a Wife, I show up from a feminine space. Leading w. Love and Truth. Using my words to cultivate as opposed to allowing ego to show up… And my words being a sword of malice, and not of protection & love.

In my space as Mother, I am able to accept the boundaries of my children. Support them as they need, while co-creating and cultivating relationships honoring our respective essence… And guiding and engaging w. Love & Truth, free of controlling every aspect of their lives.

As a Daughter, I am curating and co-creating a relationship with my Mom. Seeing her as a woman, also having a human experience. Without the responsibility of having to care for her child.

Now in a relational space where we laugh, cry, and share dreams and goals. Supporting one another through affirmation and prayer. Being able to be our authentic selves… Flaws & All, w. Spoken and UnSpoken sentiments of unconditional love. And most definitely support!!!

In this space, as a daughter. I look forward to spoiling the heck out of my Mom. We will literally be in our Golden Years Together having a Blast… #Manifesting

Being The First To Put Me 1st… In All Ways & Always, yields the best version of Zendalannette Rose (Maddox) Thomas.

So now, when I’m asked ‘Why are you feeling…?’ I am able to share…

“...feeling is a part of Healing. ReleaZing that energy makes room for intentional evolution. And healing so deep, your entire life is transformed…#Expansive”

Join me beginning in June for 2023’s Summer of Self-Care Series. TRC will be offering Virtual & In-Person Experiences, Journaling Experiences directly to your inbox & More… All focused on You, ‘Being The First To Put You 1st… In All Ways & Always.

Stay Tuned!!!

In the meantime, check out both of my books and begin your personal Journey of Healing, Evolving & ReleaZing. And… I invite you to Lean Into Feeling

In Light & Love,

~Coach Z’

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